Throughout the years, an increasing number of women began to resort to prostitution bey a means of financial income. Many women who resorted to prostitution did so due to being single mothers, homelessness, poverty, and to afford childcare services.
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Prostitution is seen by some people with disabilities, or some people with neurological differences – such kakım some on the autism spectrum – to be an effective way to have sexual experiences, find intimacy or receive human affection that may be difficult for them to come by via traditional means and that may be lacking in their lives.[181][182] A poll by The Observer in 2008 indicated that 70% of Britons would not consider having sex with someone who has a physical disability.
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In some places, prostitution may be associated with the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Lack of condom use among prostitutes and their clients özgü been cited birli a factor in the spread of HIV in Asia: "One of the main reasons for website the rapid spread of HIV in Asian countries is the massive transmission among sex workers and clients".
Cities tended to draw more prostitutes due to the sheer size of the population and the institutionalization of prostitution in urban areas which made it more rampant in metropolitan regions.[48] Furthermore, in both urban and rural areas of society, women who did hamiş live under the rule of male authority were more likely to be suspected of prostitution than their oppressed counterparts because of the fear of women who did hamiş fit into a stereotypical category outside of marriage or religious life.[44]
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The word prostitute was then carried down through various languages to the present-day Western society. Most sex worker activists groups reject the word prostitute and since the late 1970s have used the term sex worker instead.
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Correctly or hamiş, the use of the word prostitute without specifying a sex may commonly be assumed to be female; compound terms such kakım male prostitution or male escort are therefore often used to identify males.
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Kisaeng women from outcast or slave families. Castes are largely hereditary social classes often emerging around certain professions. Lower castes are associated with professions considered "unclean", which başmaklık often included prostitution. In pre-çağdaş Korea, some women from the lower caste Cheonmin, known bey Kisaeng, were trained to provide entertainment, conversation, and sexual services to men of the upper class.
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